Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Beach

Words cannot describe how much I want to be there right now.

I am in need of summer and all that comes with it...the warmth, the barbeques, the friends and family. The freedom, the fun and the SUN!
I don't think I'd want to go to Cannon Beach right now, on March 20...because it'd probably be really cold and windy and cloudy...and rainy. BUT, still. It's soooo beautiful and fresh and welcoming.

 I wish I lived on the ocean. I live on the Puget Sound, which is close enough...but still not the same because I can see the islands across the water. When I'm on the ocean, I can't see anything across the water.

Don't get me wrong, I think where I live is gorgeous...probably the most picturesque place in the whole world:

The picture of Mt. Rainier is taken from my house, and the picture of the stream is at Mt. Rainier.
Here are some more:

The second to last picture is of my hometown: Steilacoom,WA:) It's soooo adorable. It's one of the oldest towns in Washington.
We also have a world class golf course about less than 10 miles away called Chambers Bay. It's where the 2010 US Amateur was...which I saw! The 2015 US Open will be there too:) I can't wait!!!

Every day I thank God that I live where I do:) Sometimes I think I never ever in a million years will want to leave this place. But I also need to grow and become an adult and learn to adapt to change and live on my own.
I just need to trust in God that He will show me the way <3 is the ever glorious Forks, Wa...just in case you didn't know how glamorous and vampire-ridden it was:)


  1. Cute! I want some summer too. This weather is tempting me too much, with the sun and all. I love the golf course picture! Did you take it?

  2. Katherine, I love this! You captured our beautiful Northwest beautifully! Did you take those pictures?! They're beautiful. Great post :)
